9/29 Whor are you walking with?
箴言13:20 與智慧人同行的、必得智慧.和愚昧人作伴的、必受虧損
Sometimes, in order to embrace the destiny God has in store,you have to be willing to make some changes in your life.
You have to be willing to examine where you are and what you need to move forward
Find people who are smarter than you are people who will challenge you to stretch to the next level and become everything God's created you to be
9/30 Trust over fear
箴言29:25 懼怕人的、陷入網羅.惟有倚靠耶和華的、必得安穩
As soon as we make a decision to step out in faith and do what God is telling us to do, immediately the enemy will bring fear
Today, I encourage you, don't allow fear to trap you and hold you back
Instead, take a step of faith knowing that God is on your side
He is for you and with you, leading and guiding you in the path of victory all the days of your life!
10/1 Deal aggressively with fear
As you declare God's Word that says you can be bold and strong, you'll have th
提摩太後書1:7 因為神賜給我們、不是膽怯的心、乃是剛強、仁愛、謹守的心
You have to make a decision to deal aggressively with fear
You can't be passive and expect to live in victory. The only way to conquer fear is to confront it head on
10/2 Resist fear
彼得前書5:9 你們要用堅固的信心抵擋他、因為知道你們在世上的眾弟兄、也是經歷這樣的苦難
If you make the mistake of dwelling on your fears and start thinking about all the reasons why you can't do what God is telling you to do, then it won't be long before you develop a negative mindset that will make it much more difficult to overcome confidently into the destiny He has in store for you!
Resist fear and boldly embrace everything the Lord has in store for you!
10/3 Secret things
申29:29 隱祕的事、是屬耶和華我們神的、惟有明顯的事、是永遠屬我們和我們子孫的、好叫我們遵行這律法上的一切話
Are you going through a situation in your life that you don't quite understand? During these seasons, it's natural to question things in your mind. But during these uncertain times, it's important to continue to put your trust in God
We have to remember, God's ways are not our ways, and we don't always understand what He is trying to do in our lives
But at some point, you have to decide to put your questions aside and go on with God
Remember, He has promised He's going to turn that difficulty around and use it for your advantage.
10/16 何西阿書6:3 上帝顯現
你們務要認識耶和華 竭力追求認識祂 祂出現確如晨光
祂臨到我們像甘雨 像滋潤田地的春雨
我求你讓我知道你在我身邊 也知道你如何使用我
在這蟄伏的日子裡 求你讓我能感覺到你的觸摸
10/17 哥林多前書15:58 知道何時需站立得穩
所以 我親愛的弟兄們 你們務要堅固 不可搖動 常常竭力多做主工
因為知道 你們的勞苦在主裡面不是徒然的
11/16 walking by Faith
歌林多後書5:7 因我們行事為人、是憑著信心、不是憑著眼見
As believers, we have to remember that we aren't just subject to this natural realm–what we can see, hear, touch,and smell.
No, we have access to the unseen, supernatural realm where all the promises and blessings of God are stored.
When you choose to walk by faith, you are opening a door from the natural realm to the supernatural realm and drawing the blessings of God into your life.
Remember: with God seeing isn't believing; believing is seeing
若非出於神 我相信沒有任何事情會發生~
若是出於神 我應當靜默不語~
但要相信神是公義的 神是幫助我的
神的意念高過我的意念 神的道路高過我的道路