目前分類:Romans (13)

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Bible Study of 4/3

1.Paul urges christians to love one another sincerely and practially(12:9~13)
2.Paul urges christians to live in harmony with others and properly respond to their needs and actions(12:13~16)
3.Paul urges christians not to retaliate or revenge,but to overcome evil

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Bible Study of 5/15

1.Paul commends Phoebe to the Romans and sends his personal greetings(16:1~16)
2.Paul warn the Romans about divisive and deceptive people(16:17~20)
3.Paul sends the greeting of his companions(16:21~27)

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Bible Study of 4/24

1.Christians should accept each other and refrain from pasing judgement on disputable matter(14:1~20)
2.Christians should build each other up and refrain from causing other christians to stumble(14:13~23)

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Bible Study of 3/20

1.Pual urges Christian to offer their bodies as living sacrifices to God(12:1)
2.Paul urges Christian to refuse conforming to the world's way and

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Bible Study of 3/6

1.Israel's salvation is promised by GOd through the prophets(11:25~27)
2.Israel's salvation is based on God's irrevocable gifts and call(11:28~29)
3.Israel's salvation is result of God's mercy(11:30~32)

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1.The rejection of Israel was not total(11:1~10)
2.The rejection of Israel was not finial(11:11~16)
3.The rejection of Israel is illustrated by an olive tree(11:17~24)

Principle #1

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Bible Study of 2/6

1.Paul explains the necessity of evanglism(10:14~15)
2.Paul explains the reason for Israel's disbelif(10:16~21)

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Bible Study of 1/9

1.Five unshakable convictions(8:28)
2.Five undeniable affirmations(8:29~30)
3.Five unansweable questions(8:31~39)

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1.Suffering is the path to glory(8:18)
2.Creation groans while waiting for its liberation(8:19~22)
3.Believers groans while eagerly waiting for future glory(8:23~25)
4.The Holy Spirit groans while interceding for believers(8:26~27)

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1.Believers are releaded from the law(7:1~10)
2.The law reveals,provokes,and condemns sin(7:7~13)
3.Believers struggle with sin because of the sinful nature(7:14~25)

Principle #1

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Bible Study of 11/7
1.Those justified through faith are blessed with the fruit of righteousness
2.Those justified thruogh faith are blessed with rejoice

Principle #1

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1.Abraham was not justified by works(4:1~8)
2.Abraham was not justified by circumcision(4:9~12)
3.Abraham was not justified by the law(4:13~17)
4.Abraham was justified by Faith(4:18~25)

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God's judgment of the critical moralist(2:1-16)

God's judgment id based on truth(1-4)

God's judgment is righteous(5-11)

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