目前分類:Genesis (8)

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Jacob's daughter Dinah was violated by Shechem and his sons took cruel revenge on the Shechemite(34)

Jacob's brought his famility back to Bethel workshiped God, and reveived God's promised(35)

God fulfilled His promise and gave Esau land and people(36)

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Jacob deceived Issac with Revehah's help and received the patriarchal blessing(27:1~40)

Jacob's life was threatened by Esau and Issac sent him away to Haran to find a wife there(27:41~28:9)

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Jacob and Esau were twins, and their future was foretold by God before birth(25:19~24)

Jacob and Esau were completely different since birth and they were favored by Rebbekah and

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Following Abraham's instruction and God's guidance Abrahma servant found a wife for Issac-Rebekan(24)

Abrahma's faith and action(24:10~27)

The servant's faith and action(24:10~27)

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Genesis 20-21

Abraham sin repeated(20:1-18)

The birth of Issac(21:1-7)

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Genesis 18-19

God visted Abraham and quickened Sarch to faith in his promise concernning Isaac's birth(18:1-15)

God revealed to Abraham the impeding judgment of Sodom and Gomorrah and Abraham boldly pleaded for them(16-33)

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Principle #1
God filfulls His promises in His time, in His way, and in His Power; we should not run ahead of Him.

Principle #2
Submission to god results in promises and blessings.

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Genesis 14

Abraham rescued Lot from the four Eastern Kings(1-16)

Abraham received blessing from Meichizedek,God's High Priest(17-20)

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