Jacob and Esau were twins, and their future was foretold by God before birth(25:19~24)
Jacob and Esau were completely different since birth and they were favored by Rebbekah and
Jacob obtained Esau's birthright with some lentill stew because Esau despised it (25:29~34)
Principle #1
Our spititual inheritance Christ is more valuable than material things and self-gratification
Principle #2
God has a propose and plan for all
Your personal choices reflect what is most important to you
Principle #4
Desire for God and His will is dulled by sensual desires and worldly pleasure
Principle #5
God means what he says and will do all he has promised;we should wait for his time and way
to accomplish his will instead od running ahead of him
- Mar 08 Wed 2006 23:09
Bible Study 0307